OMNIA Minimum Safeguards Use Case

OMNIA is a young consulting company with a strong focus on making the energy transition an achievable target. Therefore, their entire business activity is fully aligned with long-term sustainability aspects, which naturally translated into the need to establish an ambitious and forward-looking corporate social responsibility policy even though they are not obliged to do so by law. The social aspect of sustainability is often overlooked.
In this Use Case, about an ESG topic, we want to show their aim to establish and adhere to Minimum Safeguards to ensure the ethical and responsible conduct of their business operations. One pillar of our CSR policy is the Minimum Safeguards policy, through which we commit to conduct business in accordance with the EU Taxonomy Regulation.
OMNIA is currently in the process of implementing the Minimum Safeguards and aims to implement the required core processes by the end of this year. OMNIA hopes that others will follow.
“We can only recommend taking on VIRIDAD to help steer the definition as well as the implementation process. With their support we benefited from a much quicker ramp-up and targeted implementation approach, making the whole endeavor more efficient. Because sustainability is an integral part of our business activities, OMNIA expects these requirements to be demanded in future projects. We want to prepare for that.“ (Gilbert Guntschnig Manager, OMNIA Energy, 2024)

Since this is their first time implementing Minimum Safeguards, OMNIA was looking for a straightforward and effective solution. VIRIDAD helps clear the path and illuminate the way to sustainability excellence. In short: VIRIDAD provided answers to all their questions. Now let's have a look at how they accomplished that.
Minimum safeguards of the EU Taxonomy defined.
The EU Taxonomy is not just about measuring the “greenness” of a company but rather contains mechanisms to ensure that a firm not only supports an environmental objective but is generally a good corporate actor. This is what the ESG Regulations are all about. Minimum Safeguards, integral to the EU Taxonomy, define the processes and procedures for social principles, human and labor rights.
Challenge to start your EU Taxonomy from zero.
While some of the regulations are very clear, like not using child or forced labor, others, like bribery, where you must develop and adopt controls, are not. Also, one needs ethics and compliance programs. Furthermore, you need measures to prevent, detect, and address corruption. One of the most important aspects in everyday work life is the pledge to eliminate discrimination in any form.
ESG is important for the effectiveness of your workers, but more so for being an attractive employer in the future. As studies show, more and more employees state that this is the deciding factor in their job search. And the ESG rating makes companies comparable.
The misconception of employers and companies that they will have to carry this burden alone, especially the fear of the cost is false. A study also shows that workers are willing to participate in the commitment of their company towards sustainability and a better future.
60% of employers are willing to receive less pay if they are sure that this money goes to sustainable causes inside and outside of the company.
The Solution to become a hero in the ESG ratings!
OMNIA, like many companies, had a general idea of the goals, within the ESG, they wanted to reach. But what they didn’t know where the exact processes and which steps to take in order to be compliant with the minimum safeguards.
Guided by the VIRIDAD team, OMNIA effectively integrated Minimum Safeguards into their day-to-day operations.
"The cooperation saved us a lot of effort, because otherwise we would have had to research everything ourselves, which would probably have been too much of a hurdle. We benefited greatly from the collaboration because it quickly became clear in which direction we needed to go in order to achieve results as quickly as possible. This is essential, especially for small companies like ours." (Gilbert Guntschnig Manager, OMNIA Energy, 2024)

Our team has extensive experience and in-depth expertise in the areas of sustainability and compliance. This is the key to define the right processes and measures that were essential to the successful completion of the project. We offer customized solutions that are tailored to the specific needs of your company.
With our state-of-the-art tools, we offer you an efficient and precise way to manage complex sustainability requirements. And ensure your compliance!
By choosing VIRIDAD for your eligibility and alignment checks, you are not just complying with regulations; You are joining a partnership committed to making sustainability an integral part of your business strategy.